7 Days To Die Bandits Mod

2020. 1. 23. 20:47카테고리 없음

7 Days To Die Bandits Mod
  1. 7 Days To Die Bandits Alpha 16
  2. 7 Days To Die Bandits Mod

7 Days to Die. All Discussions. True bandits are not in A16 though, the AI is proving to be a difficult task. So bad they can't just add a normal mod support. Jul 16, 2013 - The Fun Pimps Entertainment LLC is raising funds for 7 Days to Die. Zombie Nomad Mode be a human, a bandit or a zombie for a no rules experience. Our team grew from humble beginnings making mods for games. 7 Days to Die - Weapon & Armor Mods (Alpha 17) By Latex Assassin / Nov 22, 2018 Guides Quick guide to all the mods currently in A17 B197 and what they currenty do & items they go on.

Goodbye zombie game, hello Mad Max.I realize this is going to lead to lots of downvotes but sometimes constructive criticism is necessary. I strongly feel that bandits are going to change the game for the worse.

Currently the game, for all its flaws, is about the zombie apocalypse. With these ridiculous hyper-cliche bandits (like cringe-worthy cliche) 7D2D becomes just a generic grab-bag of apocalypse tropes. Worse the bandits are going to take over the game: Where formerly we designed our bases to protect against zombies, now we build them to defend against bandits and zombies become an afterthought.

May as well just remove them from the game entirely. I was hoping the run up to 1.0 would lead to more investment in improving the zombie aspect of the game, but sadly TFP have decided on a different route. Now we build them to defend against banditsyou have not done any PVPing yet, have you? Any decent base is protected from these bandits, doubt they can jump over walls using wood frames.Bandits are just a new enemy, nothing worse than those bears or dogs I reckon, just in a different way with their own unique approaches/attacks/tactics. Which I can only support, more enemies please! I want so many different types of enemies you'd come across in a real world apocalyptic scenario like this. Few zombies and a bear is not sufficient.And as said before, bandits were on The Fun Pimps their to do list ever since they started.

Them coming is in no way a surprise unless you have not been paying attention of the past 1-2 years. It's just another enemy type and more variety.


I don't see remotely how this is a bad thing in any way shape or form. It's still pve. These are still computer controlled. Do you not know what pvp and pve are? No it's not offline pvp.

Offline pvp would be having a real person in the game actively trying to fuck you and kill you. This is just another type of enemy another mob trying to kill you. The difference is instead of having the skin of a zombie or a dog it has the skin of a human oh noes.


You really make no sense when you try to say that a computer controlled enemy is essentially offline pvp. The best part about 7 days to die is, every little thing is configurable. Don't want PVP, possible. Don't want Bandits, also possible. You can completely customize the game to your likings, everything is in the XML files.And I doubt they will give the bandits such a complex AI that they are like PVP.

7 Days To Die Bandits Alpha 16

Doubt they'll dig to bedrock to combat those claimblocks, or wood frame jump over your walls. Roaming bandits to me sound similar to roaming bears, who I believe are currently a bigger pain in the buttocks than the bandits ever will be.PVP is part of the designed game, a lot of people like it, a lot of people don't. Gotta love to have these choices.For me, the more complex/stronger bases I need to combat the environment (or players, even on PVE servers) the more fun I personally will have. Currently after 1 decent wall and a moat the environment is childsplay to combat. I agree that the late game is too easy but I don't think that introducing a completely new threat unrelated to the existing zombie pve is the solution. Why not add new zombie types?

7 Days To Die Bandits Mod

At least then you have a consistent theme. You could even buff cops, ferals and spiders and not need to add new zombies at all.I realize that I can (and most likely will) mod out the bandits but at what point of cutting out major parts of a game and having to rebalance it yourself do you say screw it and jump ship entirely?.

7 Days To Die Bandits Mod