Max Payne 3 Chapter 7

2020. 1. 22. 23:53카테고리 없음

Max Payne 3 Chapter 7

After you smash some skulls, you'll move into the hallway. Kill the guard just around the corner and then kill the two cops coming out of the nearby office.

Max Payne 3 is the third game in the Max Payne third-person shooter franchise, developed by Rockstar Games and published by Take-Two interactive. Abandoning the film noir detective plotlines of previous games, it instead takes the story eight years after the events of Max Payne 2, with Max having quit the NYPD to become a private security guard for the rich and influential Branco family in. Max Payne 3 Playlist: Max Payne 3! Payne pain 3 three gameplay hd walkthrough.

Head into the office. Grab the Pain Killers from the medicine cabinet and head into the hallway leading to the holding cells.After the cutscene, head into the holding area and turn left to find a part of the Golden MPK.

Now take the right hand path and turn the left corner. There will be two cops here about to execute someone.

Use Bullet Time and kill both. In the nearby showers, you'll find the first part of the Golden LAW.

Then make your way through the cells until you come to another hallway. In the hallway, take a right and Shoot Dodge toward the cop coming at you. At the end, take a left and then another left. You'll find two more cops here so Shoot Dodge and kill both of them. At the end of the hall, enter the cell on the right to find some Pain Killers. Before you go through the nearby gate to get back into the police department proper, retrace your steps to try and find the Business Man tourist in one of the cells.There will be a group of about four enemies to start with. Kill the one on the left by the desk, then hit the guys who are likely coming up on you on your right.

More enemies should be coming in and at this point, unless you've been very fast, they'll spread out a little bit but take your time since you can see most of the room easily and just clear them out. When you have kill the last enemy, make your way up through the room. Go into the small wooden office at the end and grab the Pain Killers off the desk and check the Arrest Log on the other desk. Hit the button in this room to open the nearby door.Go through the door you just opened and into the street.

You'll run up and get pinned down by a barrier. The Tank will keep shooting at you and then run out of ammo and reload. You have to be ready and go as soon as it stops. Pick up the LAW and take cover behind the other barrier nearby. Wait for the tank to stop shooting again and then hit it with the LAW.

With that down, start making your way toward the gate at the back. At this point, you need to be prepared for helmeted enemies frequently. They are easier and only require a single shot to knock off their helmet but until you get used to it, it's enough to mess up your flow.About three enemies will come through the gate and four or five more will be inside. Shoot Dodge to kill the first group and then take cover by the gate.

Max Payne 3 Chapter 8

Clear out the enemies inside and make sure to check both the back left and back right corners of this room before heading in. Make sure the room is clear and then check behind the dumpster at the back left for part of the Golden LAW.Go towards the back right of this area to get back inside. As you approach the door, an enemy will come through the door. Go up the stairs and enter the alley. In the alley will be two cops kicking people on the ground and another that will come out of the building on the left. Check behind the nearby low all to find part of the Golden Commando.Go back inside the building and go through the red double doors. Move through the locker room and into the gym where you'll be attacked by a group of three enemies.

Max Payne 3 Chapter 7

Kill them all and then more will come into the room as you approach the back door. Do a Shoot Dodge to take the two enemies out and then check both bathrooms. One for pain killers and the other for part of the Golden MPK.Head into the next room and kill the two cops in the office. From here, head left and go into the kitchen area. Shoot Dodge across kitchen and kill the cop in the dining room. Check one of the shelves in the kitchen for a part of the Golden Commando.Move through the dining area and back into the hall. Cross over to the office that the first two cops were in for a note on one of the desks as a clue.

Grab it and head through the two red doors to enter the next room. Run straight ahead in this room to get to a room filled with computer monitors.

There will be a couple of cops in this room so Shoot Dodge toward them and then get into the room. You'll take cover in the room as a group of enemies come into the room.This fight isn't tough so much as it is annoying. There will be lots of smoke and it will make it hard to see.

Try to follow the green beams back to the source to find your enemies and then keep shooting until they are dead. You've got probably six enemies here. The most important thing to watch are enemies on the right through the glass. Once it seems quiet, remember to check the left and right sides again.Check the med cabinet in the room for pain killers and then check the briefing room which is the first room on the right to find the final part of the Golden MPK on a desk. There's also the last part of the Golden Commando by the reception desk across the room. Grab both and board the elevators.When you get off the elevator, head towards the desk ahead of you and kill the lone officer in front of it.

Check the small office next to the desk for some Pain Killers and then head through the blue double doors.This will put you in a large office with a lot of cops. Shoot Dodge into one of the cubes and use it for cover. Use whatever Bullet Time you have and clear out the room from here. When everything is about clear, be prepared for another fully armored enemy.

Treat him as you would any other and just unload a clip or two into his head. Once everything is dead, go into the room on the far side from where you entered to find a laptop with a clue about Da Silva. One of the other offices in this room will have a Political Folder on a desk.

Max Payne 3 Chapter 12

Go through the blue doors to exit this room and enter a press conference room. In the Press room, go up to the podium to start the Slide Show.Go through there to get to the evidence room. Just as you enter, two cops will appear from around the right corner. Kill them and then head around that corner. Make your way through the room shooting through shelves and Shoot Dodging around corners. When you make it close to the end, there will be a cop through some bars with a shotgun. Kill him and then check the weapons room at the end for some ammo.

Head back into the bigger room and follow the left wall to get around to where that cop was. Go through the door and into a stairwell.In the stairwell, they'll toss tear gas. Go up the stairs twice until you find what looks like a vent that's blocked off just above head height.

Shoot the grate off the vent and climb in. You'll move along the vent until you fall through and into a room behind a cop. Shoot him and then go over to the double monitor computer nearby.Leave this room and enter a reception are. Go through the glass door in front of you to enter a lab area.

Immediately take cover behind the desk you are near and start shooting. Make sure to watch your right side because a group of cops will smash through the windows. There are also some more cops further in the back of the room and to the left.

Once you are sure it's safe, move up through the room. Exit through the door at the back.You'll come to a room with a sliding cart. You'll hop on and then have to shoot some enemies on the other side of the street through a window. If you manage to kill them all before you get to the end (six total) then you will get an achievement. There will be one enemy standing, the next crouching and then a third standing next to him. There will then be a gap and a second set of three cops standing. After you kill the first group, you need to either be fast with the second group or start going from left to right because there's a point where you can't hit the very last cop but you can still hit the earlier ones.

Either way, keep retrying until you get it (and remember Free Aim). Achievement: It Was Chaos and LuckMore enemies will appear even if you kill this group. You need to get into cover behind a pillar and kill the next group of about five enemies before you can leave. Once they are dead, enter the nearby office. An enemy will come through a gate at the back. Kill him and grab the Pain Killers from the cabinet by the door.

Go into the next room and Shoot Dodge to kill the two enemies in there. Going out the back door of this room, you will find two more enemies in the next room. In this room, hit the red button to open a gate and take the flak jacket on the way to the door.Go out of this room and take a left.

Go through the already open door into the next room. Go through the double doors and into shooting range. Round the first corner and take cover behind the barrier. Enter Bullet Time and kill the cop up above you to your right, then kill the two enemies directly in front of you. Follow the green arrows on the floor and prepare for a cop to jump out at you. Kill him and then kill the next cop in the next room.


Max Payne 3 Walkthrough

Take cover at the door to the next room. There will be quite a few enemies in here but it will be hard to aim with your weapon so just keep unloading until you see it have an effect on your enemies.Once the room is clear, go up the stairs to leave. At the top of the stairs an enemy will come through the door. Kill him and enter the next shooting range.

Take cover behind the two wooden sections but keep in mind that eventually it won't be able to protect you any longer. The room is pretty open so you should be able to keep track of the eight or so enemies in this room. Just keep moving up through the room to new cover as you need to. Once you are safe, check around this room for some sandbags and you'll find the final part of the Golden LAW there. Exit through the back of the range and a man will come through a door and surrender himself. You don't have to kill him for any reason.Go through the door and the next hallway. You'll come across two enemies along the way but they pose no danger.You'll come to a room with a bunch of cops.

From where you start, turn left and shoot the two cops coming up the stairs at you and then enter the office with the glass door. Grab the pain killers in this room and use it to take out a few enemies below. Go out of the room and Shoot Dodge down the stairs. There will be a cop down below on the left.

Kill him and then take up position behind one of the pillars to be safe. There are quite a few enemies in here so just take it slow and clear them out as you can. Make sure to watch the three paths here. Enemies could approach from the left, right, or center. Once you've done a bit of clearing, head towards the middle and kill the remaining enemies.Once they are all dead, the next section will begin. A couple of cops will come in through a door to the left and immediately move right across the room.

Kill them and then enter the right most glass office for some Pain Killers. Head back out and take cover. You now need to shoot the ceiling above him. Shoot any tiles above him that haven't been blown out yet to drop pieces on him. Eventually, he will move to another section and more enemies will appear.

Kill them as they appear and when they are gone, find where he's moved to. Repeat the process of dropping ceiling pieces. Eventually, pieces of vent will be exposed above him. Just keep shooting this or any ceiling tiles that turn red until the giant metal fan in the ceiling comes crashing down on him, finishing the chapter.

New York Minute is the classic speed-run mode from the original Max Payne,and it will be unlocked after you have completed the story once in anydifficulty. At the beginning of each chapter, you will have 1:00 on yourclock and the goal is finish the Chapter as much remaining time as possible.(Not as fast as you finish the chapter). This blog tell you when you can buy property and how to get this achievement step by step.You will be able to buy Property after Trevor's Mission 'Nervous Ron' but you have to do few more mission (After 'Friends Reunited' mission) to get a chance to change your character to Franklin since only Franklin can bought this 'Downtown Cab Co.' New York Minute is the classic speed-run mode from the original Max Payne,and it will be unlocked after you have completed the story once in anydifficulty. At the beginning of each chapter, you will have 1:00 on yourclock and the goal is finish the Chapter as much remaining time as possible.(Not as fast as you finish the chapter).

Max Payne 3 Chapter 7